Coming Soon – Android tutorials

I know it is a long time since my last post, I have been busy with university and currently making an android application from scratch. It has been a tough ride through the android world, I have learn a lot these couple of months and I will be preparing several tutorials about android, will do my best to make this understandable and easy to learn.

I will be starting with the very basics of android programming, talking about IDEs, where to begin, etc… I am eager to start this series and teach what I have been learning. Read more...

Why should we all start programming?

Last time I saw a video of why every kid should start programming and it made me think why I started doing so. We are currently in a modern world, where everything has to do with programming… from smartphones, TVs to medical equipment and even in the world of agriculture. I started to code, because since I was a kid, I was always into games and computers, fascinated of what I was seeing. I started to code about 4 years ago and I liked the challenges, the joy I had when I finished my first programming homework. Read more...