Creating a new project | Android Tutorials #2

In the previous lesson, we learn about the different kind of IDEs that exist for android development. Now, we will be using Android Studio to create a project and review each file and folder created, and thinks to consider.

Before we begin…

If you have not downloaded Android Studio, you can download it from here. We will also need JDK (Java Development Kit), which you can download from here, and we need Android SDK, which is already included with the Android Studio. After downloading and installing, we are more than ready to begin this lesson. Read more...

IDEs Overview | Android Tutorials #1

In this tutorial, I will be writing an overview of different IDEs and Frameworks that exists for android development. At the end of this post, you will find several links that could be useful.


The first IDE we will be looking at is Eclipse, that’s where it started. Eclipse has an android plugin (ADT Plugin), which the last update occurred in mid 2015. I have not gone into deep waters with eclipse and android, however, there has been support issues with it. I wouldn’t recommend starting with this. Read more...

Coming Soon – Android tutorials

I know it is a long time since my last post, I have been busy with university and currently making an android application from scratch. It has been a tough ride through the android world, I have learn a lot these couple of months and I will be preparing several tutorials about android, will do my best to make this understandable and easy to learn.

I will be starting with the very basics of android programming, talking about IDEs, where to begin, etc… I am eager to start this series and teach what I have been learning. Read more...